13th March 2025

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Company Registration in Oman

Setting up and registering a company in Oman has become a very easy process. Though you might need to think a lot before setting up the business in Oman, once you have decided, then setting up the company and registering has become very easy since Oman’s focus is on diversification after the oil crises.

Oman has established various Business zones to attract investors across the globe.

Starting a Business in Oman

In the entire region of the Gulf, Oman is the only country where setting up a business is quick and easy. You only need to know the availability of the commercial name and then make a new registration of the company and start adding the activities.

Do I need a local sponsor to Register Company?

If you are an expatriate with investment, you don’t need local sponsor to establish business in Oman. If you have a business idea and you want to convert that idea into reality. Then Oman is perfect place to start the business,

Things to do before Registring the Company

Oman is becoming a digital economy, where you don’t need to go through various traditional activities in the registration of the company. You will need to follow a few simple steps.

  • Select the Business Name
  • List down the activities that you want to start the business with
  • Look for the appropriate place to rent your office.
  • Chose the investment type (Sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture etc)
  • Holding company
  • Representative company of existing business
  • Branch of existing Business

Documents Required for Business Registration

  • Filled application form
  • Identity documents (Passport, Visa, ID Card etc)
  • Contract with partners if any
  • Tax Registration Certificate
  • Deposit Certificate
  • Capital Bank Account (To show that you have money to start a business)

Now you will need to Obtain the Commerce Registration Certificate from the Ministry of Commerce and Indstry.

Steps to follow to request the service

Click this link to VIsit Oman Portal to understand the detailed process to register a company.

Oman Portal Company Registration

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